
【山东大学】More bijective combinatorics of weakly increasing trees

2023年06月13日 08:25  点击:[]

报告题目:More bijective combinatorics of weakly increasing trees

报告人:林志聪 教授(山东大学)

报告时间:2023 6 15 日(星期四) 16:00-16:45


校内联系人:陈曦 副教授

报告摘要: As a unification of increasing trees and plane trees, the weakly increasing trees labeled by a multiset was introduced by Lin--Ma--Ma--Zhou (2021). Various intriguing connections and bijections for weakly increasing trees have already been found and the purpose of this talk is to present yet more bijective combinatorics on this unified object.This talk is based on joint work with Jing Liu, Suijie Wang and Wenston J.T. Zang.

报告人简介:林志聪,山东大学数学与交叉科学研究中心教授、齐鲁青年学者,主要从事计数组合学的研究,在《J. Combin. Theory Ser. A》、《Combinatorica》、《European J. Combin.》、《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》等权威期刊发表SCI学术论文40余篇。任中国数学会计算机数学专业委员会委员。近期的研究兴趣主要集中在排列统计量及其相关组合结构上的双射和同分布问题。

上一条:【天津理工大学】Unimodality problems and matroid valuations 下一条:【中国科学院】D-finiteness, Rationality, and Height III: Multivariate Pólya-Carlson Dichotomy
