报告题目:Scattered radical theory and two open problems
报 告 人:曹鹏教授 (北京理工大学)
校内联系人:于涛 教授 联系电话:84708354
报告摘要:A scattered operator is a bounded linear operator with at most countable spectrum. In this talk, we will talk about the history of scattered radical theory and two main problems on it, that are scattered range problem and weaken Wojtynskii problem. The scattered range problem is following, if the range of the elementary operator is contained in the set of scattered operators, will the range be in scattered ideal? Here, we mainly consider elementary operators on B(H), and get some positive results on the elementary operators of length 2, higher order inner derivations and generalized inner derivation. Finally, we will give some results for generalized inner derivation on von Neumann algebras and then we can give a new type of Wojtynskii problem depending on the scattered radical theory.