报告题目:Response Solutions in Forced Nonlinear Oscillators
报 告 人:易英飞 教授 (University of Alberta & Jilin University)
报告时间:2024年2月24日(星期六) 14:00-15:00
邀 请 人:丛洪滋
报告摘要: For a quasi-periodically forced differential equation, response solutions are quasi-periodic ones whose frequency vector coincides with that of the forcing function and they are known to play a fundamental role in the harmonic and synchronizing behaviors of quasi-periodically forced oscillators. These solutions are well-understood in quasi-periodically perturbed nonlinear oscillators either in the presence of large damping or in the non-degenerate cases with small or free damping. This talk will present some recent results on the existence of responsive solutions in degenerate, quasi-periodically forced nonlinear oscillators with small or free damping. The cases with singular or noise perturbations will also be discussed.
报告人简介:易英飞教授,特聘教授,教育部长江讲座教授, 杰出青年基金 (B)获得者, 阿尔伯塔大学 Killiam 讲席教授,佐治亚理工学院兼职教授,Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 杂志主编、Journal of Differential Equations、Proceeding of American Math Society等十个杂志的编委,研究方向为动力系统、复杂系统等动力学基础理论。研究成果发表在Comm. Pure Appl. Math, Comm. Math. Phy., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., J. Func. Anal., Ann. Henri Poincare等学术期刊共 80 余篇,引用 2000余次。